Who We Are
After enjoying success in the corporate sector, Fraser, Roy and Sarah decided to channel their energies into the charitable world, focussing on what they know best – construction. Why? Breathe life into a building and it will become the hub of a community, providing crucial opportunities such as schooling, vocational training and shelter. Generation after generation of children can be transformed by the possibilities created within four walls. What does this mean? In one word: sustainability.
The Dust Project fundraises to support local communities - working to build orphanages, schools, community centres, wells, toilet blocks and more.
The Dust Project was founded by three friends with a desire to see lives changed and a passion to make a difference in the world. As parents, the trio felt particularly moved by the tough existence of so many young, innocent children around the globe.
'Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.... You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.'
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Our Approach

We believe every child can be helped, whatever age, gender, faith or background.

We believe that everybody, however poor, has the ability to improve their situation. We work alongside people so that they can play a key role in resolving their own problems and thus retain their dignity.

We are directed by the people we seek to help and work with partner organizations who share our values and integrity.

Since 2014, The Dust Project has...

A few words from the Trustees
As trustees of the Dust Project, we know there are millions of people living around the world in crisis— in desperate poverty, in starvation, in war, persecution and peril of every kind. We also know there are countless other tremendously worthy causes to give to through various charities, organizations and aid programs.
We, as The Dust Project, wish we could do more; but rather than get overwhelmed by the world’s problems, we decided to simply start in one place— build one home, feed one child, provide one education, help one community. Start with one. Then the next. And hopefully so on.
The Dust Project works in Sri Lanka in partnership with a resident Charity called The Palaam Project. Because we know and trust those who head Paalam, we have full confidence in their advice as to which families need help the most, and what changes would be truly beneficial rather than simply superficial or temporary. The Dust Project’s Ambassadors there, too, add to the growing picture to ensure your donations and all that is entrusted to us is used to the best of our abilities. Together, we’re simply trying to help in the best and most effective ways we know how.
By partnering with us to build and educate, communities are gradually transforming— enabling future growth, stability, and forward momentum.
How are your donations appropriated?
As founders and Trustees, we freely volunteer 100% of our time, energy and support to The Dust Project... and we do it out of sincere love for the people and the virtue of the projects. No part of any donation goes into a salary for us.
We’re proud, however, that because of the growth of The Dust Project over recent years, it has become necessary to employ local Sri Lankans in the communities where we work— to navigate the logistics of our building sites, land purchases, Volunteer Trips, Child Sponsorship Program, Community Outreach, etc. To create and sustain jobs for locals has always been and continues to be a goal for this Project.
The money to pay for these small but vital salaries comes from the General Fund— including unspecified one-off donations, and the profit from ticket sales to fundraising events such as our Dust Balls and Quiz Nights, etc. For the building works, specifically, it is inherently and necessarily absorbed into the overall cost which we fundraise— for a House, Well, or Toilet— and is factored into that lump sum.
Even so, we still maintain that the amount you send to support a child each month belongs to that child, in full. You send £30. That child receives £30— which goes into his or her education fees, nourishment, clothing, supplies, medical help, and support. And really, when you stop to think about it... £30 for a month isn’t much at all. That’s why we want them to get as much bang for your buck as possible!
Thank you.
'My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.'
1 John 3:18