Donate to a Well
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A Gift that Lasts
It’s easy to take for granted, but clean water is a luxury in some parts of the world.
£935 will provide a well, ensuring families have access to clean drinking water, and freeing them from the risk of contracting water-borne diseases from drinking contaminated water. Sponsored families will be required to dig their own well, after which a local team will concrete the well and purify the water. Families are taught how to maintain the well, clean it, and chlorinate it, to ensure the well remains safe and continues to provide pure drinking water.
'The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden underground, secretly making the ground green.'
Thomas Carlyle

Build a Well for Thavanesan & Jasotha
Jasotha and Thavanesan live on their own land in a small hut made from tin and bricks mixed together with shells and clay. In the rainy season their house is flooded and they have to move to another area to stay. They have 3 children; Sherin aged 11, Delson aged […]

If you decide to cover the complete cost of a project, whether it is a community building, a well or a home, we will arrange for a plaque with your name or business to be displayed on the construction. Alternatively, you might like the plaque to be made in memory of a loved one.